AWS vs Azure - Which Cloud Platform is Better for Your Business?

June 29, 2021

AWS vs Azure - Which Cloud Platform is Better for Your Business?

Welcome to another exciting edition of cloud computing! Oh wait, that doesn't sound very exciting, does it? Let's try that again over some coffee - "Welcome to our stimulating discussion on AWS and Azure, the two Goliaths of cloud computing services, that have been the center of many debates and arguments over who is the best!".

Now, that's a better start. Today we are discussing which cloud platform is a better fit for your business, AWS or Azure? We have done extensive research and market analysis to take you through a comprehensive comparison between these platforms, so let's dive in!


When it comes to the features, both AWS and Azure are packed with amazing services to cater to all your cloud computing needs. AWS has over 200 services and has been in the market for longer, while Azure has more than 100 services but has been expanding rapidly.

Both platforms offer services such as computing, storage, databases, analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and much more. AWS is known to offer more customization options, while Azure has a user-friendly interface, built-in security, and excellent hybrid-cloud capabilities.

Overall, AWS may provide more features, but it may also be overwhelming for beginners. On the other hand, Azure is easier to navigate, making it best for smaller teams with minimal technical expertise.

Winner: Tie


When comparing pricing, AWS has more offerings, including pay-as-you-go, reserved instances and spot instances, allowing users to choose a cost-effective option they prefer. AWS also offers long-term commitments to reduce costs significantly.

Azure, on the other hand, offers a more straightforward pricing structure with a focus on discounts based on usage, which can appeal to businesses with predictably low usage.

In terms of pricing, it's a tie, as the cost varies based on the services and resources you use.

Winner: Tie


In terms of security, both platforms offer cutting-edge security infrastructure, but AWS has more security-based features, compliance certifications, and a massive security partner network, providing a greater range of options to companies requiring industry-specific regulations.

Azure offers built-in security features such as multi-factor authentication and advanced threat protection, and has invested heavily in securing their data centers against cybercriminals.

It's a tough call to make, but AWS slightly outranks Azure when it comes to the security of their platform.

Winner: AWS

Customer Support

When it comes to customer support, AWS provides 24/7 live support, making it easier for users to fix issues any time they arise. AWS also offers a vast knowledge base, forums, and premium support for a higher fee.

Azure provides support via phone, email, chat, and also offers a knowledge base and forums. However, their customer support is not as responsive as AWS', and their premium service requires a separate fee.

AWS, with better customer support, takes this one home.

Winner: AWS


At the end of the day, choosing the right cloud platform will depend on your specific requirements. AWS may be more suitable for larger corporations requiring customization options and better security, while Azure may be a better fit for small businesses with simpler needs.

Both AWS and Azure offer incredible services and come with their own perks, features, and pricing, so your choice ultimately boils down to what you prioritize the most.

We hope this comparison helps you make a better decision, and if you have any queries or suggestions, do let us know.


  1. "AWS vs. Azure: Which Cloud Platform is Right for You?" RightScale, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 29-Jun-2021].

  2. "AWS vs Azure: How to Make the Right Choice". BMC Software, 2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 29-Jun-2021].

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